Wednesday, June 4, 2014

sex tips:
Activate the quadriceps ( at the front of the thigh ) play a quadriceps muscle at the front of the thigh a key role in the situation of a particular nationality for women , ” like the status of Knight ,” which is where women ride man during intercourse . This is the best position to raise a point of LG G-spot in the vagina and other sensitive parts of the feminization clitoris member and the back of the vagina cul de sac. The best exercise activate the quadriceps is to stand at a distance of two feet from the wall ( to be back on the wall ) . Curtsey and then so touching her back wall. And slip gradually back to the wall with knees bent to the thighs parallel with the floor of the room . The women continue on this situation for 30 seconds , and gradually lengthened duration . To be up to a minute to two minutes , then put in the “sit

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