Friday, June 6, 2014

sex tips:
First, using some chemical drugs and the most famous of Viagra , provided consult a doctor before use for the bezel Impact you as well there are a lot of topical ointments , which caused some numbness of the penis , which delays the time of ejaculation.
Second, there is a lot of vehicles of folk medicine useful in a case such as the most famous and Ginseng and a lot of existing vehicles as there are vehicles and tonics own athletes like (GNC) of these compounds increase the efficiency of nationality of a natural ingredient does not have any side effects.
But if you do not come down the way drugs there but you need the patience of this method are summarized in the following:
First, it is advisable to start having sex in calm conditions without prior stirring .
Second, begin to have sex in the normal manner until you reach to be on the verge of ejaculation and they come out of the penis and make your partner stick with it so badly prevent ejaculation after restrain your temper back again for sex and repeat the same steps up to five times and then finish the process of citizenship .
Trace this way for more than two weeks after a couple of weeks a number of times to ten times
After two weeks the number to more than 15 times and so on until you feel better.

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