sex info:
According to the study , published in the journal Nature, the U.S. has been known in the past that the tears of mice bearing conductive material in the blood serve the communication between them and their peers , and also known as the composition of human tears secreted by the body to protect the eye against objects differ from Western combination Tears
Sadness . At first , the researchers directed several questions after the tattooed men
The smell of women’s tears , and then a group of volunteers sniff the smell of the tears of men , women and a group of other sniff the smell of brine . He could not participants in the experiment to distinguish between the two solutions .
In another experiment , the men saw pictures of women , and they had to evaluate these expressions
Women about their feelings and their sexuality , turned out that 17 of the total 24 men saw
That women are less sex appeal and after that men sniff the smell of real tears . Researchers also presented on the various men films and recorded brain activity in the men while watching these pictures .
The researchers focused in particular on the Activity Areas with a potentially sexual arousal , and found
That these regions not very active when viewing images in men who smelled
The smell of tears compared to men who smell the brine .