Thursday, June 12, 2014

sex info:
According to the study , published in the journal Nature, the U.S. has been known in the past that the tears of mice bearing conductive material in the blood serve the communication between them and their peers , and also known as the composition of human tears secreted by the body to protect the eye against objects differ from Western combination Tears
Sadness . At first , the researchers directed several questions after the tattooed men
The smell of women’s tears , and then a group of volunteers sniff the smell of the tears of men , women and a group of other sniff the smell of brine . He could not participants in the experiment to distinguish between the two solutions .
In another experiment , the men saw pictures of women , and they had to evaluate these expressions
Women about their feelings and their sexuality , turned out that 17 of the total 24 men saw
That women are less sex appeal and after that men sniff the smell of real tears . Researchers also presented on the various men films and recorded brain activity in the men while watching these pictures .
The researchers focused in particular on the Activity Areas with a potentially sexual arousal , and found
That these regions not very active when viewing images in men who smelled
The smell of tears compared to men who smell the brine .

sex info:
The greater the career center and the physical condition of the wife whenever affected by the sexual health of men , especially erectile dysfunction .
Women earn more and more
In recent years , the number of wives who earn more than their husbands , dramatically . As well as increased demand for Pharmaceuticals erectile dysfunction almost the same percentage . The scientists found a link between Denmark from these facts . When it comes to financial gains , men look to outweigh women as a painful thing , and as the libido in males rely heavily on the mental state , it is affected by this feeling erections .
The success of women makes men turn to Viagra
Studies show that families that excel by women to men in terms of income and career centers , edging out men to use Viagra and drugs that stimulate the erection. In total , participated in the study , about 200,000 a pair , so the results are considered realistic .
And suffering 39 percent of men , at the age of 40 years from the problem of erectile dysfunction , and after the age of fifty increase the proportion of these men to 69 percent . However , nothing is certain , cure for impotence available today became preferred to consult a doctor if you feel any difference or weakness.

sex info:

The study found that holidays increase sexual desire, and that 88 percent of Americans, at least, “or possibly” were more likely to leave the race. Moreover, 40 percent of Americans who take annual leave were more likely to leave during the race. With all these facts – remains to say that if you’re suffering from marital problems solution is to think seriously spend the holiday in a romantic place.
But why leave stimulate libido?
1. The room tidy and clean sheets every day.
2. Feeling that you are in a different place for your bedroom.
3. Feeling relaxed.
4. Not have to lower your voice.
5.’ve Got the freedom to try something new.

sex info:
Wear sexy clothes without fear of children or neighbors. Attractive and make you change your sense of
  The feeling that you are in the new bedroom: a large bed, bed sheets better, new furniture, decor and different.
. There is no need to get out of the room, you have the room service that can reach you and what you crave in bed.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

sex tips:
Positions intercourse during pregnancy can be arranged according to their suitability for pregnant women as follows :
1 – position the rear side ; any lying down couple side is opposite , but comes the man his wife from behind , and is input from the back to the front of any of the vagina , which is not a difficult situation , but require only help women to her husband to be able to penetration .
2 – Background situation so that women lie down on her stomach , but it flies on the bed so that the pair of input ; order not to get a lot of pressure on the fetus .
 3 – position rear vertical so that the bow woman on her knees , and half of the top parallel to bedding and perpendicular to the legs, hands helicopters on the bed , and her palms bases of him , while the man , kneeling down to any sitting in an upright position on his knees , and is input from the back to the front
. 4 – front vertical position so that the woman lying on her back , while only half of the lower high , and is a right angle or obtuse with a little top half , and the man sitting , kneeling down , this situation may be tough on the stand if it were not unusual.

The delicacies of sexual intercourse with a married life and did not achieve orgasm, the couple turn their lives into hell. The pair may betray his wife has married another woman secretly mastered the art interestingness in changing the situation. There are situations enjoyable and painful positions and missed a boring and conditions taboo (intercourse back passage) religiously, and private medical conditions are forbidden to pregnant women during menstruation puerperium illness, stress positions for patients with heart disease and back pain.

sex info:
There are in fact more than 150 position of sexual intercourse and can be applied to get orgasm. Intercourse is the confluence of men and women and intercourse and syncope and touching and penetration and invasive … and benefits is breeding and reproduction and achieve a degree of sexual gratification and a feeling of happiness , and get rid of the stress and safety in women. And protection from sexually transmitted diseases. The sexual response differs between male and female is required to achieve orgasm start kissing and hugging and caressing and fondling for long periods and in contact with sensitive areas in a woman’s body breasts and clitoris and sucking the tongue. And 99 % of women loves kissing before intercourse and 87 % loves kissing immediately after intercourse.